Friday, 4 April 2014

Back In New York

1 April 2014: Samana Dominican Republic

Hi to all reading my blog

Please forgive me, trying to load pictures not so easy after all, wi-fi very slow on ship and expensive so will try, when I get to St Maarten again, there you pay $5 and wi-fi  is fast, says hubby.Arrived in Samana at 8h00 this morning and took tender boats to island.


26 Degrees and a Lovely day. Decided to just take a walk, down town, which is a 10 min walk from where the tender boats drop you.

What an eye opener was waiting for me.I should have realised it might not be what I was expecting when a other member of the medical dept. told me she was downtown last week but she would not be doing it again.

3 rd world set up and every 4th step you take  someone is trying to sell you something or wants to take you around island on a motorbike. I found it quite intimidating and irritating, maybe because I was on my own.

Rubbish lying around, and a lot of dogs that are in terrible state. Brandsiek en maer.Just looked away because that too much for me. Lots and lots of motorbikes that seems to be the main transport around island, 3 people on one bike and no helmets!! They are everywhere and you have to keep your eyes open, especially trying to cross the street.

Did cross my mind of taking a bike ride back to the boat then I thought what if I am in an accident (want hulle bietjie wild en  rof na my sin) so I decided you will rather be walking, Sune and get to boat safely. Kids even give you little flowers in the hope of getting a $ from you.


On my way back I came across an old man on a donkey chatting to his friend, wanted to take a photos but decided against it.By this time, I had had enough of people trying to sell me something on my whole way into town and back to tender boat. Even had a dwarf try to chat me up, just to ask me for money, when I said I did not have any money, the conversation was over.

This is poverty, I realised and people are desperate, so sad, but I definitely won’t be back on a visit to downtown. Is quite sad, to realise, that they are actually chasing the people away from this area with their begging and harassment and they need the visitors to uplift them.

We are 2800 passengers on this cruise liner and some days there are 5 cruise liners in a harbour, so you can just imagine what impact that has on any town or village financially. Next visit I am going to try and spend the day on one of the beaches they recommend.

 Well, we are at sea for the next 2 days and then it is back to freezing New York!!At least my camera is working again and hopefully I will get my shot of the Statue of Liberty. Cheers until next time.


2 April 2014: @SEA

Hallo Almal

Lyk my, gaan eers die laaste 2 dae se nuus op blog, gestuur kry in New York.Ons in die middel van nerens, op die wye, oop see, met niks in sig nie!!!!

Gisteraand het ek en Liefie n heerlike aandete op dek 12 gehad, onder die sterre, terwyl ons wegseil van die eilande,terug na n bitter koue New York.

Die nuus gisteraand dat n sunami moontlik oppad kan wees agv die aardbewing in Peru was nie goed vir my senuwees nie maar gelukkig besef, nie op ons roete nie,maar net die gedagte, wel dan moet ons maar vat wat kom!!Ons lewens gelukkig in die HERE se hande.

Vanoggend laat geslaap en toe is dit weer gym toe vir my.Ek geniet die gym vreeslik,eers op loop masjien wat glo boude en bobene werk en toe weights veral hierdie lekker 50 jarige arms en maaaaaaggggie!Daarna sauna toe,stort te lekker in die gaste stort  en dan is dit eetsaal toe vir n heerlike ontbyt.

Daarso eet ek omtrent elke dag dieselfde ,baie salm,roomkaas,uie,komkommer,tamatie,kaas,salami,

Kypers en natuurlik amper vergeet ek eers n bakkie jogurt met berries,musli,druiwe,dadels en amandels.Laaste my koppie tee waaroor ek baie erg is.Terrible life!!

O ja, moet nou eers vertel wat kom my toe oor  vanoggend toe ek aantrek na,stort in gym.

Neem my klere saam na gym want jy kry n kassie waarin jy alles sit terwyl jy gym,en ek sauna en stort te lekker en toe ek natuurlik moet aantrek besef ek met n skok ek het my onderklere in kamer vergeet, Alles behalwe onderkere!!!

Toe moes ek maar aantrek sonder die nodige ONDERSTEUNING maar moet vir julle se voel mos almal weet jy loop rond sonder dit.Het nie eers kans gesien om so ondersteuningloos !! te  eet nie, is dadelik eers kamer toe en daarna kon ek rustig gaan eet, met alles op sy plek!!! Regte plek.


Nou ja tot volgende keer.

Mooi bly


3 April 2014: @ SEA

Hi All

We still at sea and the nearer we get to New York the more we are being tossed around. Sea is rough, waves big, but port holes are still open, for now!Hubby says, if the  port holes have  to be closed for safety, the security guys  come around to rooms and come close them themselves. No passengers have port holes only the workers in the dungeons. We live in the I 95 area at the bottom of the boat.


Have moved our room around, that is typical me, love moving rooms and things around!! and must say feel at home in our  space. One wall covered with all the photos that we brought of our loved ones at home. Also have all my jewellery hanging from the walls on the other side, and a calendar with all things going on at home, birthdays, payments, ect otherwise you forget what day it is. Because the walls are steel, we brought magnets and that works well, to keep everything in their place.


This morning, we could go to the gym together, because hubby is off today, which was great. Then I was treated to a special meal at the sushi restaurant, must say feel like a fish out of water in these Chinese restaurants, not to sure what I am ordering and then still have not mastered the art of eating with the chopsticks!! Liefie al ingebreek, kan tot 1 rys korrel optel op n slag en hou van hulle sop,lyk vir my soos skottelgoed water maar het heel lekker geproe, moet ek erken.Vandag weer tyd gehad om na al die mooi juwele te gaan kyk op die boot,ai mooi bly maar mooi.


Anyway, tomorrow we will be in New York early morning and I have to get off, to go through customs before I can go sightseeing. So disappointed have to do it alone but on Saturday Hubby can go with me.This Plaasjapie !! Walking around in New York on her own, hope I find the boat again!! Then I will be looking for a Starbucks near to the harbour, to send all my e-mails and post my blog.

Until next time ,CHEERS



1 April 2014: Samana Dominican Republic

Hi to all reading my blog

Please forgive me, trying to load pictures not so easy after all, wi-fi very slow on ship and expensive so will try, when I get to St Maarten again, there you pay $5 and wi-fi  is fast, says hubby.Arrived in Samana at 8h00 this morning and took tender boats to island.


26 Degrees and a Lovely day. Decided to just take a walk, down town, which is a 10 min walk from where the tender boats drop you.

What an eye opener was waiting for me.I should have realised it might not be what I was expecting when a other member of the medical dept. told me she was downtown last week but she would not be doing it again.

3 rd world set up and every 4th step you take  someone is trying to sell you something or wants to take you around island on a motorbike. I found it quite intimidating and irritating, maybe because I was on my own.

Rubbish lying around, and a lot of dogs that are in terrible state. Brandsiek en maer.Just looked away because that too much for me. Lots and lots of motorbikes that seems to be the main transport around island, 3 people on one bike and no helmets!! They are everywhere and you have to keep your eyes open, especially trying to cross the street.

Did cross my mind of taking a bike ride back to the boat then I thought what if I am in an accident (want hulle bietjie wild en  rof na my sin) so I decided you will rather be walking, Sune and get to boat safely. Kids even give you little flowers in the hope of getting a $ from you.


On my way back I came across an old man on a donkey chatting to his friend, wanted to take a photos but decided against it.By this time, I had had enough of people trying to sell me something on my whole way into town and back to tender boat. Even had a dwarf try to chat me up, just to ask me for money, when I said I did not have any money, the conversation was over.

This is poverty, I realised and people are desperate, so sad, but I definitely won’t be back on a visit to downtown. Is quite sad, to realise, that they are actually chasing the people away from this area with their begging and harassment and they need the visitors to uplift them.

We are 2800 passengers on this cruise liner and some days there are 5 cruise liners in a harbour, so you can just imagine what impact that has on any town or village financially. Next visit I am going to try and spend the day on one of the beaches they recommend.

 Well, we are at sea for the next 2 days and then it is back to freezing New York!!At least my camera is working again and hopefully I will get my shot of the Statue of Liberty. Cheers until next time.


2 April 2014: @SEA

Hallo Almal

Lyk my, gaan eers die laaste 2 dae se nuus op blog, gestuur kry in New York.Ons in die middel van nerens, op die wye, oop see, met niks in sig nie!!!!

Gisteraand het ek en Liefie n heerlike aandete op dek 12 gehad, onder die sterre, terwyl ons wegseil van die eilande,terug na n bitter koue New York.

Die nuus gisteraand dat n sunami moontlik oppad kan wees agv die aardbewing in Peru was nie goed vir my senuwees nie maar gelukkig besef, nie op ons roete nie,maar net die gedagte, wel dan moet ons maar vat wat kom!!Ons lewens gelukkig in die HERE se hande.

Vanoggend laat geslaap en toe is dit weer gym toe vir my.Ek geniet die gym vreeslik,eers op loop masjien wat glo boude en bobene werk en toe weights veral hierdie lekker 50 jarige arms en maaaaaaggggie!Daarna sauna toe,stort te lekker in die gaste stort  en dan is dit eetsaal toe vir n heerlike ontbyt.

Daarso eet ek omtrent elke dag dieselfde ,baie salm,roomkaas,uie,komkommer,tamatie,kaas,salami,

Kypers en natuurlik amper vergeet ek eers n bakkie jogurt met berries,musli,druiwe,dadels en amandels.Laaste my koppie tee waaroor ek baie erg is.Terrible life!!

O ja, moet nou eers vertel wat kom my toe oor  vanoggend toe ek aantrek na,stort in gym.

Neem my klere saam na gym want jy kry n kassie waarin jy alles sit terwyl jy gym,en ek sauna en stort te lekker en toe ek natuurlik moet aantrek besef ek met n skok ek het my onderklere in kamer vergeet, Alles behalwe onderkere!!!

Toe moes ek maar aantrek sonder die nodige ONDERSTEUNING maar moet vir julle se voel mos almal weet jy loop rond sonder dit.Het nie eers kans gesien om so ondersteuningloos !! te  eet nie, is dadelik eers kamer toe en daarna kon ek rustig gaan eet, met alles op sy plek!!! Regte plek.


Nou ja tot volgende keer.

Mooi bly


3 April 2014: @ SEA

Hi All

We still at sea and the nearer we get to New York the more we are being tossed around. Sea is rough, waves big, but port holes are still open, for now!Hubby says, if the  port holes have  to be closed for safety, the security guys  come around to rooms and come close them themselves. No passengers have port holes only the workers in the dungeons. We live in the I 95 area at the bottom of the boat.


Have moved our room around, that is typical me, love moving rooms and things around!! and must say feel at home in our  space. One wall covered with all the photos that we brought of our loved ones at home. Also have all my jewellery hanging from the walls on the other side, and a calendar with all things going on at home, birthdays, payments, ect otherwise you forget what day it is. Because the walls are steel, we brought magnets and that works well, to keep everything in their place.


This morning, we could go to the gym together, because hubby is off today, which was great. Then I was treated to a special meal at the sushi restaurant, must say feel like a fish out of water in these Chinese restaurants, not to sure what I am ordering and then still have not mastered the art of eating with the chopsticks!! Liefie al ingebreek, kan tot 1 rys korrel optel op n slag en hou van hulle sop,lyk vir my soos skottelgoed water maar het heel lekker geproe, moet ek erken.Vandag weer tyd gehad om na al die mooi juwele te gaan kyk op die boot,ai mooi bly maar mooi.


Anyway, tomorrow we will be in New York early morning and I have to get off, to go through customs before I can go sightseeing. So disappointed have to do it alone but on Saturday Hubby can go with me.This Plaasjapie !! Walking around in New York on her own, hope I find the boat again!! Then I will be looking for a Starbucks near to the harbour, to send all my e-mails and post my blog.

Until next time ,CHEERS


1 April 2014: Samana Dominican Republic
Hi to all reading my blog
Please forgive me, trying to load pictures not so easy after all, wi-fi very slow on ship and expensive so will try, when I get to St Maarten again, there you pay $5 and wi-fi  is fast, says hubby.Arrived in Samana at 8h00 this morning and took tender boats to island.
26 Degrees and a Lovely day. Decided to just take a walk, down town, which is a 10 min walk from where the tender boats drop you.
What an eye opener was waiting for me.I should have realised it might not be what I was expecting when a other member of the medical dept. told me she was downtown last week but she would not be doing it again.
3 rd world set up and every 4th step you take  someone is trying to sell you something or wants to take you around island on a motorbike. I found it quite intimidating and irritating, maybe because I was on my own.
Rubbish lying around, and a lot of dogs that are in terrible state. Brandsiek en maer.Just looked away because that too much for me. Lots and lots of motorbikes that seems to be the main transport around island, 3 people on one bike and no helmets!! They are everywhere and you have to keep your eyes open, especially trying to cross the street.
Did cross my mind of taking a bike ride back to the boat then I thought what if I am in an accident (want hulle bietjie wild en  rof na my sin) so I decided you will rather be walking, Sune and get to boat safely. Kids even give you little flowers in the hope of getting a $ from you.
On my way back I came across an old man on a donkey chatting to his friend, wanted to take a photos but decided against it.By this time, I had had enough of people trying to sell me something on my whole way into town and back to tender boat. Even had a dwarf try to chat me up, just to ask me for money, when I said I did not have any money, the conversation was over.
This is poverty, I realised and people are desperate, so sad, but I definitely won’t be back on a visit to downtown. Is quite sad, to realise, that they are actually chasing the people away from this area with their begging and harassment and they need the visitors to uplift them.
We are 2800 passengers on this cruise liner and some days there are 5 cruise liners in a harbour, so you can just imagine what impact that has on any town or village financially. Next visit I am going to try and spend the day on one of the beaches they recommend.
 Well, we are at sea for the next 2 days and then it is back to freezing New York!!At least my camera is working again and hopefully I will get my shot of the Statue of Liberty. Cheers until next time.
2 April 2014: @SEA
Hallo Almal
Lyk my, gaan eers die laaste 2 dae se nuus op blog, gestuur kry in New York.Ons in die middel van nerens, op die wye, oop see, met niks in sig nie!!!!
Gisteraand het ek en Liefie n heerlike aandete op dek 12 gehad, onder die sterre, terwyl ons wegseil van die eilande,terug na n bitter koue New York.
Die nuus gisteraand dat n sunami moontlik oppad kan wees agv die aardbewing in Peru was nie goed vir my senuwees nie maar gelukkig besef, nie op ons roete nie,maar net die gedagte, wel dan moet ons maar vat wat kom!!Ons lewens gelukkig in die HERE se hande.
Vanoggend laat geslaap en toe is dit weer gym toe vir my.Ek geniet die gym vreeslik,eers op loop masjien wat glo boude en bobene werk en toe weights veral hierdie lekker 50 jarige arms en maaaaaaggggie!Daarna sauna toe,stort te lekker in die gaste stort  en dan is dit eetsaal toe vir n heerlike ontbyt.
Daarso eet ek omtrent elke dag dieselfde ,baie salm,roomkaas,uie,komkommer,tamatie,kaas,salami,
Kypers en natuurlik amper vergeet ek eers n bakkie jogurt met berries,musli,druiwe,dadels en amandels.Laaste my koppie tee waaroor ek baie erg is.Terrible life!!
O ja, moet nou eers vertel wat kom my toe oor  vanoggend toe ek aantrek na,stort in gym.
Neem my klere saam na gym want jy kry n kassie waarin jy alles sit terwyl jy gym,en ek sauna en stort te lekker en toe ek natuurlik moet aantrek besef ek met n skok ek het my onderklere in kamer vergeet, Alles behalwe onderkere!!!
Toe moes ek maar aantrek sonder die nodige ONDERSTEUNING maar moet vir julle se voel mos almal weet jy loop rond sonder dit.Het nie eers kans gesien om so ondersteuningloos !! te  eet nie, is dadelik eers kamer toe en daarna kon ek rustig gaan eet, met alles op sy plek!!! Regte plek.
Nou ja tot volgende keer.
Mooi bly
3 April 2014: @ SEA
Hi All
We still at sea and the nearer we get to New York the more we are being tossed around. Sea is rough, waves big, but port holes are still open, for now!Hubby says, if the  port holes have  to be closed for safety, the security guys  come around to rooms and come close them themselves. No passengers have port holes only the workers in the dungeons. We live in the I 95 area at the bottom of the boat.
Have moved our room around, that is typical me, love moving rooms and things around!! and must say feel at home in our  space. One wall covered with all the photos that we brought of our loved ones at home. Also have all my jewellery hanging from the walls on the other side, and a calendar with all things going on at home, birthdays, payments, ect otherwise you forget what day it is. Because the walls are steel, we brought magnets and that works well, to keep everything in their place.
This morning, we could go to the gym together, because hubby is off today, which was great. Then I was treated to a special meal at the sushi restaurant, must say feel like a fish out of water in these Chinese restaurants, not to sure what I am ordering and then still have not mastered the art of eating with the chopsticks!! Liefie al ingebreek, kan tot 1 rys korrel optel op n slag en hou van hulle sop,lyk vir my soos skottelgoed water maar het heel lekker geproe, moet ek erken.Vandag weer tyd gehad om na al die mooi juwele te gaan kyk op die boot,ai mooi bly maar mooi.
Anyway, tomorrow we will be in New York early morning and I have to get off, to go through customs before I can go sightseeing. So disappointed have to do it alone but on Saturday Hubby can go with me.This Plaasjapie !! Walking around in New York on her own, hope I find the boat again!! Then I will be looking for a Starbucks near to the harbour, to send all my e-mails and post my blog.
Until next time ,CHEERS
1 April 2014: Samana Dominican Republic
Hi to all reading my blog
Please forgive me, trying to load pictures not so easy after all, wi-fi very slow on ship and expensive so will try, when I get to St Maarten again, there you pay $5 and wi-fi  is fast, says hubby.Arrived in Samana at 8h00 this morning and took tender boats to island.
26 Degrees and a Lovely day. Decided to just take a walk, down town, which is a 10 min walk from where the tender boats drop you.
What an eye opener was waiting for me.I should have realised it might not be what I was expecting when a other member of the medical dept. told me she was downtown last week but she would not be doing it again.
3 rd world set up and every 4th step you take  someone is trying to sell you something or wants to take you around island on a motorbike. I found it quite intimidating and irritating, maybe because I was on my own.
Rubbish lying around, and a lot of dogs that are in terrible state. Brandsiek en maer.Just looked away because that too much for me. Lots and lots of motorbikes that seems to be the main transport around island, 3 people on one bike and no helmets!! They are everywhere and you have to keep your eyes open, especially trying to cross the street.
Did cross my mind of taking a bike ride back to the boat then I thought what if I am in an accident (want hulle bietjie wild en  rof na my sin) so I decided you will rather be walking, Sune and get to boat safely. Kids even give you little flowers in the hope of getting a $ from you.
On my way back I came across an old man on a donkey chatting to his friend, wanted to take a photos but decided against it.By this time, I had had enough of people trying to sell me something on my whole way into town and back to tender boat. Even had a dwarf try to chat me up, just to ask me for money, when I said I did not have any money, the conversation was over.
This is poverty, I realised and people are desperate, so sad, but I definitely won’t be back on a visit to downtown. Is quite sad, to realise, that they are actually chasing the people away from this area with their begging and harassment and they need the visitors to uplift them.
We are 2800 passengers on this cruise liner and some days there are 5 cruise liners in a harbour, so you can just imagine what impact that has on any town or village financially. Next visit I am going to try and spend the day on one of the beaches they recommend.
 Well, we are at sea for the next 2 days and then it is back to freezing New York!!At least my camera is working again and hopefully I will get my shot of the Statue of Liberty. Cheers until next time.
2 April 2014: @SEA
Hallo Almal
Lyk my, gaan eers die laaste 2 dae se nuus op blog, gestuur kry in New York.Ons in die middel van nerens, op die wye, oop see, met niks in sig nie!!!!
Gisteraand het ek en Liefie n heerlike aandete op dek 12 gehad, onder die sterre, terwyl ons wegseil van die eilande,terug na n bitter koue New York.
Die nuus gisteraand dat n sunami moontlik oppad kan wees agv die aardbewing in Peru was nie goed vir my senuwees nie maar gelukkig besef, nie op ons roete nie,maar net die gedagte, wel dan moet ons maar vat wat kom!!Ons lewens gelukkig in die HERE se hande.
Vanoggend laat geslaap en toe is dit weer gym toe vir my.Ek geniet die gym vreeslik,eers op loop masjien wat glo boude en bobene werk en toe weights veral hierdie lekker 50 jarige arms en maaaaaaggggie!Daarna sauna toe,stort te lekker in die gaste stort  en dan is dit eetsaal toe vir n heerlike ontbyt.
Daarso eet ek omtrent elke dag dieselfde ,baie salm,roomkaas,uie,komkommer,tamatie,kaas,salami,
Kypers en natuurlik amper vergeet ek eers n bakkie jogurt met berries,musli,druiwe,dadels en amandels.Laaste my koppie tee waaroor ek baie erg is.Terrible life!!
O ja, moet nou eers vertel wat kom my toe oor  vanoggend toe ek aantrek na,stort in gym.
Neem my klere saam na gym want jy kry n kassie waarin jy alles sit terwyl jy gym,en ek sauna en stort te lekker en toe ek natuurlik moet aantrek besef ek met n skok ek het my onderklere in kamer vergeet, Alles behalwe onderkere!!!
Toe moes ek maar aantrek sonder die nodige ONDERSTEUNING maar moet vir julle se voel mos almal weet jy loop rond sonder dit.Het nie eers kans gesien om so ondersteuningloos !! te  eet nie, is dadelik eers kamer toe en daarna kon ek rustig gaan eet, met alles op sy plek!!! Regte plek.
Nou ja tot volgende keer.
Mooi bly
3 April 2014: @ SEA
Hi All
We still at sea and the nearer we get to New York the more we are being tossed around. Sea is rough, waves big, but port holes are still open, for now!Hubby says, if the  port holes have  to be closed for safety, the security guys  come around to rooms and come close them themselves. No passengers have port holes only the workers in the dungeons. We live in the I 95 area at the bottom of the boat.
Have moved our room around, that is typical me, love moving rooms and things around!! and must say feel at home in our  space. One wall covered with all the photos that we brought of our loved ones at home. Also have all my jewellery hanging from the walls on the other side, and a calendar with all things going on at home, birthdays, payments, ect otherwise you forget what day it is. Because the walls are steel, we brought magnets and that works well, to keep everything in their place.
This morning, we could go to the gym together, because hubby is off today, which was great. Then I was treated to a special meal at the sushi restaurant, must say feel like a fish out of water in these Chinese restaurants, not to sure what I am ordering and then still have not mastered the art of eating with the chopsticks!! Liefie al ingebreek, kan tot 1 rys korrel optel op n slag en hou van hulle sop,lyk vir my soos skottelgoed water maar het heel lekker geproe, moet ek erken.Vandag weer tyd gehad om na al die mooi juwele te gaan kyk op die boot,ai mooi bly maar mooi.
Anyway, tomorrow we will be in New York early morning and I have to get off, to go through customs before I can go sightseeing. So disappointed have to do it alone but on Saturday Hubby can go with me.This Plaasjapie !! Walking around in New York on her own, hope I find the boat again!! Then I will be looking for a Starbucks near to the harbour, to send all my e-mails and post my blog.
Until next time ,CHEERS






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