23 April 2014: New York 9/11 Memorial
This morning we decided we were going to visit the 9/11
site.It is about 10/12km from pier 88, where our ship is docked, so we took the
taxi and that cost us R170.They are buzy with mayor work in the area, and you
cant really believe, that planes really could have crashed into 2 buildings in
this area.Must have been a living nightmare.
Heard that the Memorial museum will be opening soon, so the
whole area still under construction.Could go on a tour but when hubby saw the
long row, he decided not for him.Went into the St Pauls Chapel, right next to
the area, where the 2 buildings went down and going to type you this poem, that
a guy wrote after this tragedy, AMAZING and just shows you GOD IS GREAT.
It stood .Not a window broken.
Not a stone dislodged.
It stood when nothing else did.
It stood when terrorists brought SEPTEMBER down.
It stood amoung myths.It stood amoung ruins.
To stand was its purpose, long lines prove that.
It stands and round it knows, a shrine of letters, poems, acrostics,
litter of the heart.
It is the standing people want:
To grieve, serve and tend
Celebrate the lasting stone of St Pauls Chapel.
And deep into its thick breath, the largest banner
Fittingly from Oklahoma climbs heavenward
With hands as stars, hands as stripes, hands as a flag;
And a rescuer reaches for a stuffed toy
To collect a touch;
And George Washington’s pew doenst go unused.
Charity fills a hole or two.
It stood in place of other sorts.
It stood when nothing else could.
The great had fallen, as the brute hardware came down.
Can you believe that after the World Trading Buildings
collapsed, just across the street, other than a lot of dust and debris, there
was NO damage to the church? All the other buildings had damage,windows blown
out ect.
For nearly a year after the 2001 attack on the world trade
Center,St Pauls Chapel served as a relief mission for recovery workers at
ground zero.Over 14 000 volenteers worked in 12 hour shifts to provide
solace,comfort and care for 2000 workers each day.St Paul became the the
spirual home of ground zero.The chapel was a place where food,medical
attention,space to rest and support were provided to hundred s of rescue
workers just after the tracedy.
The poet Chester Johnson who wrote this poem was one of the
many who came to St Pauls offering his help to those who needed hope and
healing.Like many who volunteered their time,he discovered that what he took
away from this place of extraordinary ministery was far greater than what he
brought in.
Must admit when I was walking through the church and you
start reading all the stories and see the faces and photos, I felt very
emosional, must have been heartbraking to all involved.
Well after a big cup of hot milo with cream!! it was time to get back or should I say
closer to home!!/ship, after a little walking, we got a taxi again and our
rondloop! Cost us another R140. So an outing in NY, if you can’t walk to
destination, is exspensive. New York was cold again, 14 degrees and a very cold
wind blowing.
Then we did our routine stop, at Starbucks, to do all our
technology business.Hubby left me at starbucks because the crew, have to be
back on the ship an hour before the passengers have to be onboard. 15h00 we
were all aboard!!! 16h00 it was time again for the Sail Away Party on deck 12.
Hubby has just got back from his gym session and can you
believe it, we have hardly left and there is a disembarkation of a pasient
that’s husband popped a bottle of champayne and the cork hit his wife in the
eye, so now a boat has been sent to come and fetch her.End of there 9 day
cruise! Shame.
Until next time,cheers.Hasta Luego!!
24 April 2014: @SEA
Wel, gisteraand was omtrent n affere!! Het dit eintlik op
video afgeneem deur ons porthole! So n disembarkment is n gedoente, eers 3
polisie bote langs skip, toe een groot brandbestrydings boot en toe uiteindelik
n ander kleiner boot wat die pasient met die oog besering kom afhaal het.So dit
het ons reis bietjie opgehou maar is darem na al die drama weer oppad.Ons kamer
is reg langs die deur op die skip waardeur al die tipe goed gebeur, op dek 4,
baie naby aan die water, so kon alles dop hou.
Liefie was nie die dokter betrokke nie so was maar heeltyd
in ons cabin.Toe ek later vir hom se maar wanneer ry ons dan weer, toe se hy
maar wat makeer my, ons is al n hele rukkie al aan die ry, dis toe ek besef,
mens voel naderhand nie eers meer die skip nie.Lyk my hy is in die kol, n regte
skipkat! As die see rof is, is dit iets
anders. Vandag maar bitter lui en sleg gewees, een van daardie dae in die gym,
kon nie aan die gang kom nie.Gelukkig n fliek begin kyk op treadmill en dit
darem my aandag afgelei van die trap werk!!
Wel tot more mooi bly.
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